2023 Realizations: My Take On Science, Religion, Philosophy, Life And The World
Hello, I am posting a blog on my website after a pretty long time. I know I'm late, but I wish all of you a very happy 2024. Of course,...
2023 Realizations: My Take On Science, Religion, Philosophy, Life And The World
Here's What 2022 Taught Me
Is Science Going To End?
What's The Deal With The Updated Edition Of Our Physics So Far?
Is Life Meaningless?
The Theory Of Everything
Why Did I Decide To Continue My Higher Studies In India?
A Small Thank You To My Parents
Chaos Theory And Fractals
The Limits Of Metaphysics
How Harry Potter Helped Me Accept The Hardest Truth Of Life?
Stranded: A Quick Glimpse At My Upcoming Song
Why Did I Decide To Write Our Physics So Far?
Unsettled Bliss: A Closer Look At My Debut Album
Does The Reality Exist Only In My Mind?
How It All Started?